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In 2017 Wizman introduced series of products from professional dabbing gears, vape pens to skateboards and clothing. Wizman also landed on HIGHTIMES Cannabis Cup of 420 in San Bernadino with a crazy booth, bringing the mind-blowing dabbing product, Dabliss, to the U.S. consumers. By seeing and feeling in where the cannabis culture blooms, we decided to develop something even crazier for the ultimate dabbing experience.


8 months later we have our new generation portable dabbing device: STONE BOY. Under the retro portable gaming device look, a powerfull and intelligent heating system to deliver uncompromising dabbing experience in such compact size. Only 10 seconds the coil can heat up to 300°F.A full color XL size display screen enables you to control the temperature precisely up to 600°F. A special designed water filter module helps provide a smooth taste outruns every similar products in the market. We also integrate a 8-color lighting module with 7 flashing modes for more funs. Equiped with a wide selection of bands that you can easily take it anywhere in a more exclusive way.

歷經8個月研發出的STONED BOY傾注了我們無限心血,是繼Dabliss之後的DAB旗艦型產品。集合復古回潮風格的酷炫遊戲機外形,超大全彩屏幕、掌機操作、經典復古的VAPOR,遊戲式操作界面,BAKE/VAPE/DAB通用的超強性能,3D全方位加熱,10秒直達300華氏度,最高可達600華氏度,精準控溫、實時溫度與時長均可顯示!模塊式濾水裝置,過濾雜質更加健康,口感最佳,輕鬆拆換與清潔,機身設置8彩LED閃燈,7種燈光模式,迷幻必備!還設計了各種款式的掛繩,可將手掌大小的STB掛墜外出,真正實現隨時隨地DAB起!

With solid engineering experience, Wizman have created its own professional dabbing solution. Our full-body heating coil can easily reach 400°F in 8 seconds and up to 800 400°F that does not waste any drip of your concentrate.


By the end of 2017 we also worked with U.S. E-cigarret brand Apollo in creating a new product line Just Chill. It has the iconic Wizman industrial deisgn and is equipped with FDA approved vaping juice. The unique design of disposable juice tank have gone viral in social media and the China E-cigarret market.

我們與美國阿波羅合作的Just chill系列則出於健康考慮,極簡的輕巧外形,搭配FDA認證的健康煙油,煙彈和機身分離設計,煙彈即插即抽,免去加油漏油的困擾,便利隨時隨地“CHILL”,在產品上傾注匠心。

Although being very low-key in China, Wizman never stop fighting for cannabis legalization and education. In an interview with Merry Jane, a cannabis-focused digital media platform in U.S., we talked about our vision and missions in the other side of ocean. We are fighting for the truth, the rights and the future we human beings deserved to have.

去年美國420媒體Merry Jane特赴中國專訪 Wizman大飛社,我們聊了聊正在做的和希望做成的事。這不僅僅是愛好,而是為了表達不同的聲音。還有許多團體在為其他的平權付出,我們只是選擇了420,而且願意成為拓路的墊腳石。還需要更多的人意識到應有的權益應當捍衛,明辨是非,且不斷追求真理,而不是迴避和妥協。

In 2018 Wizman is teaming up with more amazing brands in developing more products. We are expecting to share the ORIENTAL GREEN POWER with you in the cannabis shows. Looking forward to seeing you there soon!


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